Fetch Bitcoin balancesprivately.

This tool uses homomorphic encryption to privately fetch the current balance of any Bitcoin address. No one, including us, can see the address you are querying.
On first use, your browser creates a strong encryption key that will never leave your device. All queries you make are encrypted under this key. We also use this key to derive some client-specific setup data that is uploaded (roughly 1MB) to the server, which enables homomorphic computation for your key.

Why use this tool?

Blyss offers the strongest notion of wallet privacy, comparable to running a full node on your own computer. Let's compare it to other options:
If you use public block explorers, servers can associate your Bitcoin address and your IP.
If you use compact block filters, an observer may still be able to infer your address.
If you use Tor, the addresses you look up may still be linked.
If you run a full node in the cloud, you have to completely trust your cloud provider.
Blyss keeps your addresses private and unlinkable.